David’s family and friends incorporated The David Michael Reid Foundation in August 2008 to honor his legacy by providing opportunities to underprivileged youths in the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. All of our charitable endeavors are in furtherance of our mission statement:
“The David Michael Reid Foundation strives to enable disadvantaged youths to achieve their dreams by improving quality of life through opportunity and support.”
Initially, we will focus our efforts on providing a full scholarship (tuition, room and board, and books) annually to a Philadelphia-area senior. In the near future, with your help, we hope to launch additional initiatives and activities to benefit disadvantaged youths in the greater Philadelphia area.
We fund our activities through several annual fundraisers organized and run by Foundation members; we do not engage third-party fundraisers to perform our fundraising for us. The Foundation uses all donations exclusively for its operations, and no director, officer or member of the Foundation receives any salary or stipend for his or her work on behalf of the Foundation.
The David Michael Reid Foundation, Inc. is a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation that is exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. All donations to the Foundation are fully tax-deductible for federal tax purposes.